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更新时间:2022-07-14 作者:本站

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不少人简单地认为托福写作就是要多写长句难词,却从来不去看ETS在OG上明文写出来的规矩(scoring rubric评分细则),导致无论怎么努力刷分,写作都稳定在25分或以下,比起动辄28、29的听力阅读,在percentile rank上拉跨明显。

想要拿到满分或者接近满分的成绩,我们的文章究竟该做到哪些事情呢?今天我们就从一篇真题入手,来跟大家说说满分独立写作的第一个要求——effectively address the topic and the task。这个topic就是问题所涉及到的话题,而这个task则是问题的发问方式。大家在看我们的分析及范文之前,请先细细阅读这道真题的题干:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

To generate electricity, societies should use clean sources of energy (for example solar or wind) instead of sources that create pollution (such as coal or oil), even if the clean sources are significantly more expensive than the polluting sources.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

如果上过子睿的课程,或者至少看过《范文精选集》,应该都了解缺一不可这种文章展开法,即论述两件事情同样重要。这篇文章里所讨论的topic(到底是用传统的有污染的能源重要还是发展和使用昂贵的清洁能源重要)其实并不如校园话题那么常见,对各位来说会是小小的挑战。但是比topic更有挑战性的,是task即问法。如果题干直接问“使用哪种能源更重要”,我们便可以直接套用缺一不可的范文结构,在第一段里说两者一样重要。可这题的task,问你是否同意该观点,并不是简单的重要性衡量,而是问“即便清洁能源的使用成本远高于传统非清洁能源,人们是否依然应当用清洁能源来替代传统能源发电?”。在遇到这样的问题时,我们的文章结构如果依然不做出改变,就会让考官有一种我们在use memorized examples的感觉,这样做的后果是很严重的,甚至会影响出分(请ETS邮件截图,高亮的部分要重点看) 。




独立写作 Independent Writing

Testing Format 考试形式

Plan and organize your essay

within 30 min based on a given topic

The Topic and the TaskDo you agree or disagree with the following statement?To generate electricity, societies should use clean sources of energy (for example solar or wind) instead of sources that create pollution (such as coal or oil), even if the clean sources are significantly more expensive than the polluting sources. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Our world has suffered from pollution caused by consuming traditional energy sources for a very long time, and effort has been made to stop the problem from getting too serious to deal with. Today, many societies start to generate electricity and power using clean sources like solar and wind power. While some may expect these new options to be an immediate replacement for coal and oil, I do believe that traditional and polluting sources should coexist with new and clean ones for quite a while.

It is true that clean sources of energy should play a bigger role in our society because not only do fossil fuels contaminate the environment, but they also cannot regenerate as fast as people consume them. Using fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide that lead to the greenhouse effect and acid rains. Once these problems go beyond control, our planet will no longer be a habitable place to live in. Before we choke ourselves, we need to find a solution to reduce carbon emissions to a safe level. Also, coal and oil are nonrenewable sources. As our industry and society continue to develop, the amount of energy we need will finally reach a level that is too high to be provided by traditional natural sources that will eventually run out. Before the “battery” dies, we need new substitutes. These two reasons motivate people to give their best to replace polluting and limited energy sources with new ones no matter how challenging and expensive the process may be.

However, to abandon coal and oil even if they are significantly cheaper than new energy sources is still unrealistic, at least for foreseeable future. Most manufacturers and machines we rely on today still need fossil fuels to function, and these valuable assets will be completely wasted if we try to replace traditional power sources with new ones too soon. There is no good reason for anyone or any government to do so even if it is affordable to them. In addition, the cost of generating electricity from solar or wind power remains to be expensive, so to make it affordable to all societies with various financial conditions, more research needs to be conducted. Before technology becomes advanced enough, we still need fossil fuels to provide the massive amount of energy needed for building research facilities, conducting experiments, and even recharging our electric cars. From this perspective, quitting fossil fuels too soon is uneconomical and unpractical.

To guarantee sustainable development for our civilization, we need to gradually replace polluting energy sources with wind and solar power while respecting the fact that all good things take time and Rome was not built in a day. (Written by Zirui Wang)





